Flagship Initiatives

Our work is directed towards better education, better nutrition and better mental health within a caring and enabling socio-economic environment.
We endeavor our objectives through 3 main flagship Initiatives.


The ClickMyShoes Initiative is the root initiative of this foundation.
Its inspired by a painful incident where our founder was walking home after school 10 years ago and came across a young schoolboy who was walking barefoot during an unhospitable and rainy winter afternoon.
When the boy was asked why he was walking barefoot; risking a cold, he somberly replied "I do not have school shoes."
Unfortunately, walking barefoot to school is a reality for many young children in South Africa.
Some of these student have to walk an average of 10km to and from their school's to receive a basic education.
The lack of school shoes not only leads to an uncomfortable journey, it also strips children of their dignity.
Mina Thina Children's Foundation works diligently to provide quality school shoes to those in need.


Creating ecological spaces in schools that educate, engage and feed communities is the theme behind our LittleHerbs Initiative.
Food insecurity amongst the youth in South Africa is a growing crisis.
Chronic malnutrition is an underlying cause for half the childhood deaths in the country.
An estimated 1.5 million children under five years of age, are stunted in their growth.
Mina Thina Children's Foundation implements sustainable school and community gardens that contribute to the meals prepared for those in need.


The GirlsInSTEM Initiative rallies behind encouraging and supporting girls to achieve their full potential as scientific researchers and innovators.
Women remain vastly underrepresented in STEM careers around the world.
Research conducted states only 18% of science degrees earned are by women in contrast to 37% earned by men.
Mina Thina Children's Foundation contributes to closing that gap by providing STEM programs to under privileged girls in schools.
These programs are equipped with mentorship, exposure, academic resources and a community of access to scholarships and internships.